Makerspace in the Cloud

Uncover and empower the stealth innovators at the point-of-care. The Makerspace in the Cloud license includes a framework to support clinician innovators and a subscription to custom prototyping tool-kits with the materials, tools and real-time engineering support to make their medical device ideas real.


Personalized Studio Kits

Customized prototyping tool-kits sent from our lab to your hospital. Kits include materials and tools to jump-start building your team’s medical device ideas

Monthly Pop-Up Labs

Framework to host monthly innovation meet-ups for idea sharing and prototyping by point-of-care staff

Mentoring for Internal Champion

Mentoring and professional development for the internal champion at your hospital who will lead the culture building and prototyping efforts

Real-Time Prototyping Support

1-hr response time for prototyping support and technical guidance

Operating System for Project Management

Software operating system to safely guide health technology prototypes from experiment to the bedside and connect the ROI to existing workflows

Just-in-Time Learning

Learning modules that help staff learn prototyping techniques needed to be biomedical innovators without an engineering degree

Continuing Education and Staff Engagement

Provide access to online and in-person training resources to help point-of-care staff learn technology and design skills to invent new health technologies.

A Culture of Innovation led by Point of Care Staff

Support the moments of ingenuity whenever the occur with a 24/7 access lab with the tools and smart materials to let staff tinker and experiment in medical making.

Patient Engagement with Personalized Medicine Hardware

Work side-by-side with patients using tools such as 3D printing, smart sensors and thermoforming to craft care solutions that are more affordable and personalized.